The HIPTURNER® – How to practice hip turning in a sensible manner

Tom Tomasello, who, applying the “golfing machine“ theory of Homer Kelly, decisively influenced the development of modern golf in the 70’s, repeatedly warned his students when carrying out the back swing, not to swing higher than shoulder level. Tom thought it was hardly possible for a “weekend golfer” to master a controlled body rotation using a higher backswing. Feeling the club head during the downswing does make it easier for the learning player to position himself correctly to the swing, using the right rhythm, but controlling body rotation during the swing itself, was and is a major problem. 20 more years had to pass until the HIPTURNER was invented.

The HIPTURNER and the active hip-rotation-technique
Prof. Dr. Manfred Grosser, the inventor of the “Universal Golf Learning System
(UGLS )”, was the first to recognize the meaning of the HIPTURNER.
Using this teaching assistant, the golf student can, through using his peripheral vision, rapidly and easily learn to turn into the swing with the right rhythm. The HIPTURNER is a much used learning assistant at the Hartl Golf Resort at
Bad Griesbach, Germany.

Fig 1/2: Attach the HIPTURNER well visible behind the belt on the left side of the hip.

>> Prof. Dr. Manfred Grosser writes in his book “The Griesbach Method“
Comment on the HIPTURNER:
„It is a so called repercussion free learning assistant which doesn’t constrict nor impede the player in his movements. The great advantage of the HIPTURNER is that the player has an optical check of his hip rotation during the backswing and especially during the downswing, without predominately neglecting his concentration on feeling the pendulum motion.“

Fig 3/4: Pro Sebastian Lahmer, assistant director of the Golf School at the Hartl Golf Resort, Bad Griesbach, demonstrates the HIPTURNER.

The HIPTURNER and the passive hip-rotation-technique
Golf Digest presented the Stack & Tilt Swing, “The New Tour Swing“, for the first time in 2008. It was developed by Andy Plummer and Mike Bennett and proved to be a direct competitor to the traditional swing technique. The hip is no longer the power engine of the golf swing.

Juergen Bechler, inventor of the HIPTURNER and co-developer of the CARVINGGOLF technique, recognized the importance of the HIPTURNER when learning these modern techniques. Using the HIPTURNER, the golfer can, without using special concentrational attentiveness (which would distract from the feel of the swing), learn within a short period of time to recognize and /or feel the passive behaviour of the hip during the course of the swing. The HIPTURNER is attached to the right side of the hip, under the belt, thereby allowing the player through a tactile feedback to induce a temporal slowdown in his rotation. If the player touches the HIPTURNER eg. during his downswing, it shows that his hip rotation was too active.

Fig 5/6: The HIPTURNER is attached to the belt on the right side of the hip in order to control the rotation movement of the body during the downswing when using the Stack & Tilt swing and the CARVINGGOLF technique.

>> The use of the HIPTURNER allows the golfer to recognizes the following points/mistakes very rapidly:
an uncontrolled active body rotation during the backswing
an uncontrolled active body rotation at the start of the downswing
an uncontrolled active body rotation during the follow through

The HIPTURNER shows even the slightest interruption of the pendulum motion during the hip rotation in an all too obvious manner. It is an extraordinarily effective feedback training device. When training with a pro, the player will, within a short period of time, learn the correct body movement to the swing, no matter what method he uses, be it the Stack & Tilt swing or the CARVINGGOLF technique.

Fig 7: The HIPTURNER is an extraordinarily effective tactile feedback training device. If the player touches the HIPTURNER during the downswing, it shows that the hip rotation was too active. Pro Thomas Thoeni, head CARVINGGOLF instructor, demonstrates the HIPTURNER.

The HIPTURNER is a very simple, effective and inexpensive assistant to learn, improve and stabilize the golf swing, no matter what techniques are used, traditional or modern. The HIPTURNER is priced at € 19,00 incl. VAT and available at the Hartl Golf Resort in Bad Griesbach and at the CARVINGGOLF shop.

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