Accuracy results measured twice as high using Carving Golf Technique as compared to classic method.

In a study conducted by the Technical University of Munich, Germany on beginning golfers, it was found that the average measurement for accuracy for those who had been trained with the Carving Golf Technique was 81.1 % versus only 42,7 % by those taught the conventional method.

This study compared the two methods of learning the golf swing – classical golf technique and the Carving Golf Technique by randomly separating the testers into two groups. One group was given conventional golf instruction and the other group was taught the Carving Golf method.

The testers were not informed which method they were being taught. They were 10 female and 2 male testers, middle-aged, former tennis players, and all had some athletic ability.

Time allocated for the training:
10 – 12 and 14 – 16


12 – 14 and 15– 16 (Test)

Target Distance:
60 m (9 iron) Width of corridor: 30 m
90 m (7 iron) Width of corridor: 40 m
Each tester was asked to hit 15 shots at each distance and to try and keep them within the boundries.

Graphic: Results of advanced test of the study ‘Technique Comparison of beginner golfers May 2007’.

Average result of golfer’s accuracy using
Carving Golf Technique: 81,1% versus classical method: 42,7%

According to the Sportsscience department of the Technical University of Munich, the Carving Golf method is recommended for beginning golfers to quickly and easily adopt skills necessary for developing accuracy in hitting golf balls. With the physical pendulum motion as the core element of the learning technique and the Carving Golf clubs of equal length, the beginner golfer is guaranteed a consistent, easily repeatable, geometric, rhythmic, and dynamic golf swing. Further, using this technique the player avoids active conscious body rotation. The pendulum motion creates an unconscious body turn. For the first time two different learning methods of the golf swing have been able to be analyzed as to their effectiveness in producing results in terms of accuracy..

The results of this field test clearly show that the Carving Golf technique is the preferred method of reaching better results quicker.

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