CRITERIA MAIN EMPHASIS Carvinggolf Info 1/08

Sport researchers from the Technical University of Munich in collaboration with Thomas Thoeni, head instructor of the Carvinggolf School and Juergen Bechler, inventor of Carvinggolf, have, within the framework of a research project pertaining to the comparison of the techniques of movement in the golf swing, developed an optimal sequence of movement for Carvinggolf and titled „CARVINGGOLF- Simple Steps Toward Success“.

From the point of view of sport researchers, a swing based upon a sequence of movement on the basis of pendulum motion is much easier for a player to learn and lets him progress more rapidly in his playing ability.

The active muscular power input of the swing is hereby reduced to a minimum and coordinative demanding elements of movement don’t apply.

Thereby, while learning the swing motion, the pupil can make use of familiar and trusted elements of movement. Pendulum motion is a part of everyday life. An example is the natural pendulum movement of the arms while walking.

From the players point of view it means:
Less mistakes, faster progress, better performance
Less stress, more joy of learning
Learning faster, lower kosts
More fun playing

From the instructor’s point of view:
Faster success through the teaching process
Less time input needed
Satisfied pupils

From golf course management’s point of view:
Center oriented regular training program
Satisfied and well trained players
Faster round played, more rounds played
More rounds played, higher turnover

In view of the complexity of the golf swing, only general knowledge is available, which takes into consideration the individual prerequisites ( physique, ability to move, etc.) of the pupil.

Less active muscle power and less coordinative demanding movement needed during the course of the swing
> less mistakes made > more playing fun, lower HCP.

The answer given by sport research states:
Less power components:
More tightening of the muscles – less active muscle power
Less coordinative demanding movements:
Abstain from using active hip rotation
Uniform dynamic and geometric conditions:
Carvinggolf clubs with equally long shaft lengths


The basic element of the golf swing of both techniques is the physical pendulum.

The traditional doctrine of the swing technique contains, next to the basic element of the „physical pendulum“, additional physical, biomechanical and functional anatomic regularities of the swing movement. These elements are to be coordinated between each other through the use of active muscle power and through a demanding and tuned sequence of movement.

The Carvinggolf technique, in comparison ,also contains next to the basic element of the „physical pendulum“, physical, biomechanical and functional anatomic regularities of the swing movement. These elements, however, do not have to be actively coordinated between each other because they follow the passive law of the pendulum motion of the arms and club.


Initiation of the arm club
pendulum motion.
The streching of the right leg and the
stabilizing impulse simplify the start-up of
the pendulum motion

Everything else happens automatically without the use of
active muscle power
Positioning the wrists in the correct angle
Change of direction of the pendulum motion and downswing
Release of the pendulum motion and consequently undo wrist angle

The backswing starts with a “starting up” swing against the hitting direction through an easy pressure of the front foot, followed by a change of the player’s center position to the right onto the rear leg, as well as an immediate turning of the pelvis and the shoulder axis. Shortly before the end of the backswing is reached,i.e before the club has reached it’s turning position, a rotation of the pelvis takes place in addition to a dynamic change of the player’s center of movement in direction of the target line, both initiated through the pressure from the rear leg. The coordination of the partial impulses of the muscle groups involved, follows from the bottom to the top and within the course of the body rotation, from the inside to the outside.
From the point of view of the sport researchers, a high power effort is needed for this swing, leading ultimately toward a chaos of movement.

High power effort in coordination with active pelvis muscles is not needed with the Carvinggolf technique.



Falling of the upper arm into the swing, develops passive muscle tension within the sequence of pendulum motion.

Everything else happens automatically
Positioning the wrists in the right angle
Release of the pendulum motion and consequently undo wrist angle
Triggering the whip lash effect

Shortly before the end of the backswing is reached, a rotation of the pelvis, initiated through pressure from the rear leg, occurs,as well as a dynamic change of the player’s center of movement in direction of the goal. The coordination of the partial impulses of the muscle groups involved, follows from the bottom to the top and within the course of the body rotation, from the inside to the outside. In order to optimize the transfer of energy onto the club, an active use if the wrists and a change of wrist angle during the downswing is needed. The player, hereby , has to be able to feel the resistance, respectively, the inertia of the head of the club during the downswing.
From the point of view of the sport researchers, amateur players are hardly in the position to build up passive muscular tension within such a sequence of motion and thereby having to transfer the developed energy into the ball.


The central element is the physical pendulum. The motion of the swing follows the physical laws of the pendulum, an easy coordinative motion. Prerequisite for an undisturbed sequence of motion is system stability and room for pendulum motion. Stretching the right leg, transfers the player’s body weight at the start of the pendulum motion forward in the direction of the target line. The stabilizing impulse of the pendulum motion, thereby, independently blocks unconscious active and passive rotation of the body during the downswing.

The traditional swing technique contains, next to the central element of physical motion, additional physical laws like the temporal coordination of the partial impulses and the functional anatomical laws of the swing.
Hereby, the movement of the feet, legs, pelvis, upper body, shoulders arms and hands have to be coordinated and executed with optimal timing in the correct sequence, in order to guarantee an impulse transfer from one segment to the next within the so called kinematic chain. Especially the transfer of energy onto the club through the undoing of the wrist angle at the exact moment demanded, plays a very large role in achieving a high velocity of the club’s head at the moment of impact. This means, the individual partial movements i.e. shifting of the body’s center of gravity, rotation and the 2 leverages ( arm and club ) have to be fully and successfully coordinated.
This demands a very high measure of coordination.

The basic problem
of the traditional technique is being able to turn the body in the course of the
swing to the rhythm of the pendulum motion.


Equal, geometric, rhythmic and dynamic conditions of the swing
with uniform shaft lengths

Tom Tomasello, one of the fathers of modern golf, asked golf club manufacturer’s to develop golf clubs with equal shaft lengths already as early as the 1980’s. To him, the different shaft lengths being used, were pure harassment for the player. Today, clubs with unified shaft lengths are available in the U.S.A. and in Europe, their playing ease beeing undinied. Test programs with amateurs show that the Carvinggolf swing technique and Carvinggolf clubs achieve a much better hitting precision for the player.

Traditional clubs
Different Shaft Lengths
Carvinggolf clubs
Equal shaft lengths

Players using Carvinggolf clubs have the same address position. They always have the same distance to the ball. They don’t have to use a multitude of clubs with different swing levels and don’t have to master different rhythmic and dynamic conditions. Just one club is needed.

No longer many different addressing positions. Only one addressing position.

No more a multitude of ball positions. Just a single ball position in the Middle.

- with diligence -

Existing patterns of the traditional golf swing technique cannot be overdrawn or dileted.The Carvinggolf technique leads to a new pattern of movement which can only be stored in the player’s mind through regular training and practice.

Golf players with many years of experience are at a little disadvantage in the beginning phase of learning the Carvinggolf technique because of the existing patterns of the traditional technique of movement stored in their minds. These patterns are often recalled in times of stress during the game.
Through intensive training, however, with “STACK and GO”- which we call our new swing technique- , the player experiences an astonishing progress, similar to pro’s who change over to the“STACK and TILT” swing technique which is played on the U.S. Tour and is closely related to Carvinggolf.

Redaktion, Text und Zeichnungen
Jürgen Bechler

Thomas Thöni
Jock Reetz
Dr. Ferdinand Tusker
Florian Kreuzpointner
Dr. Sabine Maier

Carvinggolf • 80637 München • Dachauerstrasse 140e
Tel. +49 89/156015 • Fax / 1577343

Carvinggolf Info 1/08
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Germany, München
Jürgen Bechler

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