Department Biomechanics and
Applied Sports Sciences

Initial Results:
Clubhead speed in the direction of the target

The measured results show that the Carving GolfTM technique, whose foundation is based on the dynamics of the pendulum motion, is practically identical in terms of clubhead speed to the classical golf swing, in spite of its reduced take-a-way to parallel at shoulder height.

Graph 1) Clubhead speed in follow-through towards target (7 iron).

Horizontal axis:

Vertical axis:
Speed towards target minus (negative) M/Sec
Speed away from target plus (positive) M/Sec

Blue Curve:
Thomas Thoeni PGA Golf Professional - Carvinggolf technique

Red Curve:
Andreas Lemberger Golf Professional in training - The classical golf swing

It should be noted for the explanation of the curve that in passing the so-called
3 o'clock or 9 o'clock position during the follow-through that the clubhead speed curve crosses the "0"-line as well as produces the largest value during ball contact.

Further, the results also show that the Carving GolfTM technique can be combined with the classical golf swing. It should also be noted that there is additionally generated clubhead speed through the specifically developed swing energy.

The findings of the Department of Sports Science through the study of the two techniques and the practical application of the Carving GolfTM School have determined that the learning process through the Carving GolfTM technique is not only shortened and simplified, but there is no compromise in the performance indicators.

Munich, 09.02.2007/Be

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