The Benetton golf course, the time chosen and the outer frame of
the course could not have fit better to this years seminar topic:
with the Carvinggolf technique.
A golf course surprisingly well playable especially for this time
of the year, the pleasant Italian Spring climate and a rich and
excellent culinary offer, all contributed in making the seminar
and training week a valuable experience for all.
Two sport research advisors from the Faculty of Sports Science at
the Technical University of Munich, Dr. Ferdinand Tusker and Florian
Kreuzpaintner as well as Dr. Sabine Maier from the Faculty of Sports
Science of the University of the Federal German Armed Forces in
Munich structured the seminar program and together with Thomas Thöni
(since 2006 head instructor of the Carvinggolf School) developed
and tested in detail the training program for the upcomming season.
The individuals interested in Carvinggolf, had, by participating
in an intensive training program, the opportunity to experience
the ease of the natural effortless swing with Carvinggolf clubs.
The sport research advisors gave daily lectures explaining what
is meant by „simplifying a swing technique“, why such
a simplification is needed and why the use of too much power in
the golf swing will end up in a chaos of movement.
Jürgen Bechler, inventor and developer of Carvinggolf,
demonstrated at the 2007 seminar the kinematic chain of the pendulum
motion of the Carvinggolf swing and hereby showed the necessity
of introducing a learning process involving individual stages that
can be taught systematically and are therefore more easily learnable
by the pupil.
The answer given through the seminar at
that time: For
the sport research advisors, a process of movement oriented upon
pendulum motion is biomechanically possible and therefore storable
in the players mind. SEMINAR
Last year, the Chair of Biomechanics of Sports at the Technical
University of Munich developed,within the framework of a research
project pertaining to the comparison of techniques of movement in
the golf swing, an ideal sequence of movement for Carvinggolf. The
research project was presented and tested under the title: „CARVINGGOLF-Simple
steps toward success“. The
answer given through the seminar today:
• |
According to Sport
Science,a process of movement oriented toward a pendulum motion
makes the swing much easier for the player. |
• |
The active muscular power input
in the swing is reduced to a minimum and coordinative demanding
elements almost totally disappear. |
• |
Furthermore, the
player can,while learning the swing movement, relate to and
implement familiar elements of movement.
Pendulum motion is a familiar aspect in life. An example is
the natural pendulum movement of the arms while walking. |
In view of the complex aspect of the golf swing, a teaching
concept has yet to be developed which takes into consideration the
individual prerequisites(body build,movement capability etc.) of
the player. The new theory follows the didactic guidelines“FROM
SIMPLE TO COMPLEX (COMPLICATED)“,from known to unknown, from
easy to hard. The Seminar answer:
• |
Less power components
More passive muscular tenseness – less active muscular
power. |
• |
Less coordinative demanding movements
Avoid active rotation movements. |
• |
Unified dynamic
and geometric conditions
Carvinggolf clubs with equal shaft lengths. |
Everything else is the complex build -up of
the player under consideration of his individuality. |


Fig.: A minimum on
active power components for beginners
using Carvinggolf technology.
Carvinggolf technology leads to a new pattern of movement
which,through regular practice, is stored in the players mind. Existing
conventional patterns of swing technology cannot be over-subscribed
or dileted. A change of emphasis takes place. The
seminar answer as a guideline for the development of a teaching
plan states:
• |
Orient the learner and
concentrate upon the details of biomechanics within the Carvinggolf
technique. |
• |
Training steps as a methodic line
being showed in detail through figures. |
• |
false steps. |
• |
Intervine through close
communication between teacher and learner. |


Fig.: A minimum on active power components
for the advanced player
with the Carvinggolf technique.
Not the technique but rather the game itself, has to become the
center of attention. Golf is a goal oriented game, therefore these
goals have to be reachable. It therefore makes little sense to adapt
golf courses to the playing ability of professionals, because according
to sport researchers, these courses are not playable in a goal oriented
manner by 90% of the amateur golf players due to their lack of having
the physical prerequisites needed. Neither the golf club manufacturers
nor using muscular strength can help here. The
seminar answer states:
• |
Immitating a top player
makes little sense, the individual condition and situation
of the player must be taken into consideration. |
• |
Playing with grim determination hurts
the player’s game and body according to Sigi Bischoff
in her lecture“BINI CRANIO- splint physiotherapeutic
measures and Carvinggolf“. |
• |
GOLF, will be the theme of the next Carvinggolf seminar 2009.
Fig.: Seminar leaders
Dr. S.Maier, F.Kreuzpointner, Dr.F.Tusker,
Z.Siric-Bernhard, J.Bechler,T.Thöni In
summary: The seminar was again a tremendous success, proving how
easy it is to teach beginning golf players the Carvinggolf technique,
giving them within a much shorter period of time the ability to
already play successfully on any course. It was also astonishing
how rapidly players with many years of experience were able to improve
their precision of play within only one week!
Munich, 24.03.2008/Tu, Kr, Mai, Be
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