with 60 or older |
Scientific studies have shown that a player can, through regular
training, continuously improve and stabilize his playing performance
even at a higher age. Therefore, a 50 to 60 year old player
can , through a correctly measured training dosage, reach
the biological performance of an 30 to 40 year old player.
Hereby, an ideal “fountain of health” can be tapped,
given a regular fitness work-out in combination with playing
a round of golf. (Grosser).
The majority of people in
Germany today, sit through their lives – at work, in
front of the tv , computer or at the coffee/tea table. Statistics
have shown that women sit approx.6.7 hours per day and men
approx. 7.1 hours. People have become sedentary. 100 years
ago, one walked an average of 20 km per day. Today, the average
walking distance is less than 2 km.
The so-called “modern mobility” has led to a lack
of mobility, especially among older people who find all forms
of movement ever more difficult. Aching joints and muscles
make walking less and less enjoyable resulting in less desire
to walk at all.
This lack of desire to walk has also reached the golf game.
The golf swing movements are leading to a rise in health problems
by older golf players, causing many to review their playing
ability when fll comes and especially after a bad season,
seriously play with the idea of giving up the game forever.
The player, however, is only confronted with these burdening
swing movements during approx. 20% of his game.
80% of the his game is drawn from his “fountain of health”,
enhancing his well-being.
Why give up? Why not continue drawing energy from the “fountain
of health“. A swing technique is needed which corresponds
to the individual abilities of the player, thereby solving
all of his playing problems.
CARVINGGOLF: Does it solve
the puzzle of the swing problem?
A research project of the
Sport Science Department of the Technical University of Munich
called “ Carvinggolf, the core of the swing movement
“ has set the course for a golf swing demanding less
physical strain.
CARVINGGOLF leads to reduced muscular energy and more muscular
tension which improves swing performance in the future. This
teaching doctrine fits all players. Why shouldn’t it also
be good for older players who have problems with their joints
and muscles? This question was brought up by some members of
the golf academy at the Golf Club München Eichenried, who
then added CARVINGGOLF to their teaching program. Since spring
of 2011, club members and guests, beginners and advanced players,
junior and senior players can learn the CARVINGGOLF technique,
a swing needing less physical strain.
The most important point is, that the players don’t have
to change their game in order to be free of pain and regain
the enjoyment of the game again. They just have to learn to
optimally use the components of the physical pendulum, thereby
avoiding movements which disturb the dynamics of the pendulum
motion. The golf academy in München Eichenried acknowledges
that this presents no problem for experienced players.
CARVINGGOLF: Solving the handicap
puzzle for players aged 60 and beyond
In an article from the magazine “golf manager”,
edition 2/11, “Demoskopische Tiefsee“ (demoscopic
deep sea), Daniel Regentrop, spoke about 124,000 former golfers,
former club or VcG members who have given up the game.
Many of these former players aged 60 and over would surely still
be playing and drawing their energy out of the “ fountain
of health “ if the golf swing was not presenting such
tremendous problems. Solving these problems would surely improve
the outlook of many golf clubs in regard to upholding memberships.
Why not counteract this dangerous development and present courses
to senior golfers, aimed at solving their health problems related
to their swing, as is done at the golf academy at München
Eichenried which solves these physical swing problems. CARVINGGOLF
instructor at the acadamy, Barry Rixom , shows how it’s
2: Eichenrieds pro Barry Rixom, shows the standing
position, starting the swing, back swing and down swing,
point of contact and follow-through of CARVINGGOLF.
more ... |
A golf club owner/manager planning for the future, could for
example, offer free introductory CARVINGGOLF courses, with the
aim of counteracting the loss of senior golfer memberships.
An introductory course would cost € 300 /senior player,
an investment which would lead to a prolongation of senior club
memberships and thereby fulfill the business expectations of
the club owner/manager!
M.Grosser „Universal Golf Learning System“
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