The core element of the golf
swing is the physical pendulum (ref. Grosser 2001). On the
basis of this fundamental principal, Dr. Ferdinand Tusker
and Florian Kreuzpaintner have developed a sport science training
concept and in collaboration with Thomas Thöni –
PGA 1 star professional – have defined its possible
and practical use in a textbook. Up to now, CARVINGGOLF has
rested upon three pillars: muscular tension, clubs having
equal shaft lengths and a new technique called the CARVINGGOLF
The development of this technique led to new insights regarding
improvement of kinetic energy and precision and led to the
CARVINGGOLF “super” technique.
This technique is derived
from the function of a chain made up of pendulums.
The upper arms, lower arms and clubs make up this pendulum
chain and through working together with the shoulder, create
a dynamic system. While the golfer using the CARVINGGOLF “normal
“ technique is confronted with only one pendulum plane,
the pendulum chain system of CARVINGGOLF “super“
moves on different planes.
This is a complex system of motion, which in its details cannot
be consciously controlled. By making use of gravitational
and inertial forces, this coordination is left up to the natural
force of gravitation, depending fully upon the physics of
pendulum dynamics. The shoulder axis becomes the point of
intersection of the static-passive, the stable body and the
dynamically active system of the pendulum chain. This axis
is at the same time the center of the pendulum chain system.
Within this system, the stability of the static-passive system
is decisive. Disruptive factors which reach the center of
pendulum motion lead to an abrupt collapse of the energies
gained through the pendulum dynamics and thereby never reach
the ball.
The only disruptive factor of this kind which cannot be excluded
is the unintentional transfer of the shoulder axis, consequently
due to a passive or active rotation of the dynamic system
around a virtual center of rotation.
Due to an active or passive
body rotation, an unintentional transfer of the arm-club pendulum
system can arise, leading to different consequences. The decisive
factor hereby, is the position of the virtual axis (RZ) around
which the pendulum system rotates in a passive or active manner.
When playing the traditional technique with the spinal column
being RZ, for example, the undesired lateral transfer xsg
of the left shoulder is approximately twice as large as compared
to the CARVINGGOLF technique with the virtual RZ in front
of the chest. Compare xsg coordinates fig.II (red arrow) with
xsg coordinates fig. III (red arrow).
I: RZ system axis neutral |
II: RZ system axis in the back |
In order to ensure optimal prerequisites
for unified geometric conditions of the golf swing, the CARVINGGOLF
“super” technique rotates the pendulum system
around the RZ axis in front of the chest (fig. III).
During the upswing, the shoulder
axis “lifts“, thereby creating tension in both
broad back muscles. This pre-tension is the “power motor”
of the CARVINGGOLF “super” technique. It supports
the dropping of the shoulder belt, in opposition to the inertia
of the pendulum system, resulting in the creation of a high
energy of movement. The principle of creating such energy
is used, for example, when one cracks a whip.
Throwing a ball from the shoulder to the ground is a good exercise
with which one can experience the feeling of a higher tension.
Hereby, a rapid straightening of the stooped over upper body
strengthens the feeling for this tension.
One can clearly see how Thomas Thöni
“lifts” both shoulders, tensing his back muscles.
To Thomas Thöni, the ball feels like an inert object, which
is connected to the hands through the shoulders and the arms.
experience is possible, given the following conditions: |
• |
the static
system is stable; |
• |
the joints within the
pendulum chain are loose, in order to gain energy through
system inertia and muscular tension; |
• |
the rhythm of the physical pendulum
steers the swing. |
With these factors in mind, the CARVINGGOLF “super”
technique can become a true alternative to the traditional pitching
and chipping technique (accord. M. Grosser).
This exercise can be very well performed against the resistance
of the water in a swimming pool. The feeling for rhythm, stability
and the development and elimination of tension in the back muscles
is increased in this manner.
“stack and tilt“, a technique used on the PGA tour,
has a great deal in common with the CARVINGGOLF “super”
technique. Billy Bondurak – teacher of the year 2006 in
the U.S.A.– demonstrates the virtual RZ in front of his
chest and Zach Johnson – 13th position/money list, PGA
tour 2012 – starts the down swing against the inertia
of the driver in such an extreme vertical manner, that during
the reverse swing movement, the shaft takes on the form of a
cracking whip.
Included of course are the CARVINGGOLF
with shafts of equal lengths.
They create the optimal prerequisites for unified geometric
conditions of the swing movement.
These clubs also fit to the CARVINGGOLF “super”
by our CARVINGGOLF “super” professionals |
• |
in Austria/Tirol
– Seefeld Wildmoos – Mr. Thomas Thöni |
• |
in Germany/Munich –
Eichenried – Mr. Barry Rixom |
Munich, 07.25.2012 / J. Bechler / Dr. F. Tusker / F. Kreuzpointner
/ T. Thöni
reference: Tusker,F., Kreuzpointner,F.
Carvinggolf, Kern der Schwungbewegung
ONION Verlag GmbH München 2011
Grosser, M., Knauss, M.
Universal Golf Learning System
Passau 2001.
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