Department Biomechanics and
Applied Sports Sciences

Initial Results:
Clubhead speed in the direction of the target

The diagram below compares the club head speed dynamics of a 67 year old amatuer player using the Carving Golf Technique and the coventional technique of a golf teaching professional swinging with reduced action. The two curves are virtually identical.

Graph 1) Clubhead speed in follow-through towards target (7 iron).

Horizontal axis:

Vertical axis:
Speed towards target minus (negative) M/Sec
Speed away from target plus (positive) M/Sec

Blue Curve:

Red Curve:
Jürgen Bechler Amateur, 67 years old - Carvinggolf technique

It should be noted for the explanation of the curve that in passing the so-called
3 o'clock or 9 o'clock position during the follow-through that the clubhead speed curve crosses the "0"-line as well as produces the largest value during ball contact.

The findings of the Department of Sports Science during the study of the two techniques and with the practical applications of the Carving Golf School, shows that by using elements of both the classic fundamentals of the golf swing and the technique of the Carving Golf School, performance can be enhanced by the golf professional. However, for the beginning player or amateur, the technique of the Carving Golf School is sufficient for achieving a similar result of club head speed and swing dynamics, as compared to conventional methods.

Munich, 27.02.2007/Bechler, Carvinggolf/Reetz ,TUM

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